Sunday, October 11, 2009

Update on Olive's health

From Lynette, yesterday at 11:26am

Many are asking for an update of Olive...

Her breathing is improved...they are continuing to lower the ventilator settings and she is on very low concentrations of oxygen.

She is getting my milk through an ng tube 8 times/day.

She has pneumonia in her lungs so her body is working hard to fight off this infection.

Her head circumference continues to grow each day and surgery is pending, but being put off until the infection in her body can be more controlled.

The doctors in the States and here in Thailand are very concerned about the long-term damage that has occurred from her brain hemorrhage. It seems to be one of the worst prognosis that she could have. It appears to be even more serious than we originally thought.

Weary and emotionally drained...though tears still seem to keep falling. We are soaking up each minute we get to spend with her. Singing with her, touching, and holding her.

We have been getting closer and closer to the other parents with children in the ICU here. Today was a rough day as one of our friends from Laos lost his 5 month old baby. Now 3 of his 4 children have died from the same hereditary disease. He was here alone today when his little baby boy died...holding and rocking him in his arms and sobbing. Afterwards he was unable to contact his wife who lives in the mountains of Laos. Our hearts ache for him tonight as we crawl into bed.

Thank-you for the love we feel from many of you...even from a distance. We are feeling pretty fragile these days. We know many of you struggle with what comments to write. Knowing you are praying and sending your love is enough for us. That is profound enough for us.

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